What is UVteaching?
Teaching organisation
Teaching organisation

Teaching at the Universitat de València is based on the principle of maximum face-to-face attendance, guaranteeing the health safety of the university community.
The direct teacher-student relationship that is achieved in face-to-face classrooms is an inalienable value of the public university.
However, both for health issues and for the organisation of degree programmes, it is possible to combine face-to-face teaching with other types of teaching. 

Subject planning
Planificació de l'assignatura

La planificació de l'aprenentatge és una part clau per a un ensenyament eficaç. Quan planifiquem, hem de considerar tots els aspectes inclosos en la guia docent i tindre en compte que l'estudiantat construeix el seu coneixement no exclusivament sobre la memorització de continguts, són necessàries activitats que aniran realitzant i sobre les quals ha de reflexionar. 
Ens recolzarem en la guia docent i prepararem materials i activitats. A més, planificarem la comunicació amb l'estudiantat i el feedback que oferirem.

Training Teaching Staff
Formació PDI

La formació del Personal Docent i Investigador (PDI) busca donar resposta a les necessitats estratègiques de formació mitjançant l'especialització i l'ampliació en allò referent al perfeccionament del professorat i la corresponent investigació formativa. 


UVteaching aims to support teaching staff in their teaching task and provide easily accessible and updated information on the organisation of teaching, tools, materials, training and good practices to help improve the learning experience at the Universitat de València.

Open/upcoming enrolment courses

Training Offer

The training offer for the different groups is structured by thematic areas that respond to the areas of interest and training needs of UV staff.

These groups are:

  • Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
  • Research Staff (PI)
  • Trainee Research Staff (PIF)
  • Administrative and Service Staff (PAS)

Another way of offering these courses is to organise them by programmes with a common thread, such as the purpose, the language of instruction or the specificity of the staff to whom they are addressed.

You can consult the open enrolment offer (circled in green) and the upcoming offer throughout the academic year (circled in orange).

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