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The Regulations for Official Postgraduate Studies at the Universitat de València (approved by the Governing Council on 25 July 2017; ACGUV 199/2017) covers several aspects related to the preparation, tutoring, enrolment, defence and assessment of Master's Degree Final Projects. Point 4 of Article 12 of these regulations allows the Academic Coordinating Committees of each master's degree programme to establish specific guidelines and set assessment criteria to standardise the preparation and assessment of Master's Degre Final Projects. Article 11 of these guidelines states the following on the panels that will judge the Master's Degree Final Projects.

1. Whenever possible, the academic coordinating committee will appoint different evaluation panels for each of the master's degree itineraries (academic and professional).

2. The assessment panels for Master's Degree Final Projects must be composed of three members.

3. The members of the panels are appointed by the academic coordinating committee (CCA) of the master's degree from among the PhD-qualified teaching staff of the departments that lecture on the master's degree. However, one of the members of the panels assessing the master's degree final project on the professional itinerary may be a professional from private enterprise without doctoral studies; for this to be possible, the CCA must request the agreement of the Postgraduate Studies Committee.

4. Under no circumstances may the tutor of a Master's Degree Final Project be a member of the examining board responsible for the assessment of the work of a tutored student.