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In accordance with article 18 of the Regulations of Official Postgraduate Studies of the UV, regarding the defence and assessment of the Master's Degree Final Project, students will have to proceed to the public defence of the Master's Degree Final Project before the corresponding assessment panel under the conditions established by the academic coordination committee of the Master's Degree.
The defence will take place within the academic year in which the student has enrolled.
The master's degree final project will have two calls per academic year and several defence periods, which will be established by the academic committee in accordance with the deadlines established in the calendar of management processes, approved for the corresponding academic year by the Governing Council.
The grades of all the persons submitted in each defence period will be recorded in a joint report that will be generated by the secretary's office of the centre and must be completed within 5 days following the end of each period.
Article 19, concerning the examining board, establishes that each examining board shall be made up of three members who shall be appointed by agreement of the respective Academic Coordinating Committee from among the teaching staff of the departments that teach on the master's degree programme, from those degree programmes for which this is expressly authorised and justified by the Postgraduate Studies Committee.

The members shall be doctors, except for those degrees in which this is expressly and justifiably authorised by the Postgraduate Studies Committee.
Under no circumstances may the tutor of the master's degree final project be a member of the panel in which the tutored student's work is assessed.
The examining board shall issue a report for each defence of the final project, stating the date and time at which the event took place, the grade, and whether it has been proposed for honours. This document will be sent to the centre that holds the files and will be included in the student's file.