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Urkund is an automated learning text recognition system designed to detect, prevent and manage plagiarism.

The sources used are: 

  • Internet.
  • Published material consisting of hundreds of millions of books, reference works, scientific articles etc.
  • Student material. It may happen that a student plagiarises the material of another student or that they produce a joint work with minor variations to present to the teaching staff.


  1. The anti-plagiarism systems help to detect plagiarism but are not a substitute for the work of the examiner. 
  2. Teaching staff will carry out the analysis of the report provided by URKUND. 
  3. The teaching staff make the decision whether to mark a paper as plagiarism or not.


A paper uploaded to the platform and the Urkund report provides a 100% match does not imply that there has been plagiarism. It may be that the same work has been previously uploaded to the platform by the same or another teacher.
Urkund has a system to exclude duplicates and carry out a more accurate analysis.

The following links provide help documents on how to use the tool.

How does Urkund work

Using Urkund in Moodle

Plagiarism report analysis