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Teaching Update Plan

  • Es pot realitzar el PAD en una sola edició?

    En aquesta edició, la que fa el número IV, el  PAD haurà de ser completat en una sola edició, és a dir, que el títol haurà de ser completat  a l'any 2022 seleccionant els cursos que li permeten realitzar el nombre d'hores necessàries per a això. Per això, aquest any trobarà un major número de cursos que podrà sel·leccionar.

  • Quantes hores s’han de fer per a obtindre el certificat del títol PAD?

    S'han de completar un mínim de 64 hores en cursos oferits dins de les edicions del títol  PAD, amb una valoració d'Apte, seguint la normativa general del  SFPIE per al còmput horari dels cursos.

  • With how many hours is the PAD qualification certified?

    In its official model, the PAD (Updating Course Plan for Teachers) qualification’s certification will validate the 75 hours of training the user has done. However, it is true that, following the current regulations of the SFPIE, its issuance can be requested after doing a minimum of 64 credited hours (85% of the course’s total hours).

  • If I take activities that total more than the 75 certified hours, does the increase appear in the certificate?

    No, the official model always validates 75 hours.

    The certificate informes that you have done 75 hours and the activities that have led to said certificate, without specifying the hours each activities has lasted.

    If more hours within the PAD are done because the user is highly interested in the activities, the  course’s certificate will list them, but it will not increase the whole duration of the course.

  • Are hours done in different courses of the PAD added when these activities have not been completed individually?

    No. The hours done in the course are only added to the global calculation whether the course has been taken successfully and has been qualified as Pass.

  • I would like to complete the whole course, but it has to get accredited and I would be interested in having the courses done in the PAD until this moment for this certification. Can I obtain the individual certificate of the courses?

    The PAD qualification is designed to be completed in until two consecutive years as a complete structure. However, if the teacher requires the individual certification of the activities performed, it would be necessary for them to resign as a student of the qualification.

    This way, all their individual certificate of the courses completed until that moment can be issued, although the user would not be associated to the PAD course anymore.

    Previously, the document of resignation in the qualification must be sent to sfp-cursos@uv.es

  • I have selected a number of courses, but to choose a new POD, some courses overlap with the new teaching. What can I do?

    When you know that you cannot take a course, please, communicate if to sfp-cursos@uv.es as soon as possible. This way, we can discharge it and offer your slot to somebody else who is interested. This resignation will be considered justified and there will not be any penalisation.

    You will be able to choose new activities in the next call as to complete your qualification.

  • Si no pot finalitzar el PAD, què pot fer?

    Si finalment no pot completar el PAD com a títol sencer podrà sol·licitar la certificació individual de tots els cursos que ha realitzat amb èxit durant el seu període.

  • Is the PAD certificate issued automatically?

    No, it is not.

    Like the rest of activities certified by the SFPIE, the user interested must require the issuance of the qualification via e-mail to sfp-cursos@uv.es.