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The Participants page allows teaching staff to easily enrol, view, search, filter, edit and delete course participants.

Exemple de la interfície en "participants".




Enrol users 

Users can be enrolled from the Enrol users button at the top right and bottom right of the screen (below the student list).

Exemple de la interfície en "participants".



To enrol a user, search for their email address in the search engine and assign them a role (student, teacher, non-editing teacher or member with editing permissions) in the course.

Exemple de la interfície en "participants".

Filter and search users

The filter at the top left of the screen allows filtering by activity period, enrolment method, group, roles, status and keyword. More than one option can be selected, with the option to filter 'Any' or 'All':

Imatge de la interfície


Users can also be searched by any of the fields defined in the "Show user identity" configuration.

Some of the searchable fields, such as user_name, first_name and last_name(s), allow you to use wildcards to represent one or more characters. There are two options:

% The percent sign represents zero, one or multiple characters.

_ The underscore sign represents a single character (Note: MS *Access uses a question mark '?' instead of the underscore '_').

These shortcuts can be ignored, if necessary, to search for users containing them, by using a reverse diagonal '\':

A_B will find all users that start with an A, followed by any character and then have a B (such as AxB or A2B, but not AxxB).


This parameter allows us to assign a role to a user already enrolled in the course. To assign a role to an enrolled user, click on the pencil icon in the role list column and then select the desired role and click on the save icon again to save the changes. To remove a role assignment, click on the delete icon (a cross) next to the role name.

To add a user to a group (at least one group must have been previously created), click on the pencil icon in the Groups column, select the pencil icon in the Groups column, then select the group and finally click on the save icon to confirm the change.

Exemple de la interfície en "participants".

Only roles that the user has available for selection are available for selection.


To add a user to a group (at least one group must have been previously created), click on the pencil icon in the Groups column, select the pencil icon in the Groups column, select the group and then click on the save icon to confirm the change. In this case, a group called "Students" would have been previously created and the participants could be assigned within this group.

Exemple de la interfície en "participants".


The status column shows the current status of a user's enrolments, e.g. Active or Suspended. To change the status of a user in the Virtual Classroom, click on the gear that appears to the right of the user's status.

Exemple de la interfície en "participants".

When a user is left on "Suspended", they will not be able to access the course from their Virtual Classroom until the status is changed back to "Active". When a user has two different types of enrolment (i.e. manual and cohort synchronisation), both are shown in the status column:

Exemple de la interfície en "participants".


Send a message, add a note, or edit manual or users' own entries 

A message can be sent, a note can be added, or selected manual user enrollments can be edited or deleted via the drop-down menu below the list of course participants.

Exemple de la interfície en "participants".

It is important to note that only users who were previously self-enrolled or manually enrolled (enrolled) can have their enrolments edited or deleted in mass. Enrolments for users who enrolled using a different enrolment methods, such as self-enrolment, can be edited or deleted for a user via the link to edit enrolments (gear icon) in the status column.

Hide the participants list

If needed, the View participants parameter can be used to prevent students from seeing the list of participants.
On the Participants page from the Actions Menu (gear icon) select permissions:

Exemple de la interfície en "participants".

Filter by viewparticipants (view participants)

Exemple de la interfície en "participants"


For the capability 'View participants' remove the student role and confirm.

Exemple de la interfície en "participants".



At the site level, the 'View participants' capability can be disabled for the student role.