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An activity is a task that a student will perform or participate in. These activities are characteristic of the Virtual Classroom and allow enriching the experiences of students and teachers through a closer and more personal method that affects the learning and communication needs that converge in the creation of a valuable space for collective education.

How to add activities in the Virtual Classroom?

To add any activity or resource to the Virtual Classroom, follow these steps.

First of all, we will access our Virtual Classroom and select a course in which we have editing permissions.

Once we have accessed the course, we will notice that, on the top right hand side of the screen, there is an option called " Turn editing on". When we click on this option, we will be able to start editing the course parameters.

Once the editing mode is activated, the option "Add an activity or resource" will appear on the screen and we will click on it. 


A window will then pop up with all the activities and resources offered by the Virtual Classroom and we will select the activity or resource we want.


Notice on Intellectual Property Legislation (IPL)

Before making resources available to students, please note that: 

  1. Materials such as scientific journal articles, book chapters, graphics, videos, photographs, etc. are subject to intellectual property legislation. Their use obliges the Universitat de València to comply with the regulations and to pay the corresponding royalties, if applicable. These rights also affect the full reproduction of press articles and, in particular, the so-called press-clipping practices.
  2. You are informed that you are responsible for ensuring compliance with the law with regard to the materials that are incorporated in the Virtual Classroom. 
  3. Before uploading your own work published by a publisher, please check the publisher's policy. You can check: Sherpa/Romeo or Dulcinea (Spanish journals).
  4. If you would like to use materials that are open access, please share a direct link with your students or check your terms of use. For more information, please visit our page on  «Responsible use of electronic resources».
  5. If you wish to use materials (books and e-journals) published by the Univeritat de València, you must share a direct link with the students. Check our information
  6. If you have any questions, please contact "The Library responds".