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The feedback activity module enables a teacher to create a custom survey for collecting feedback from participants using a variety of question types including multiple choice, yes/no or text input.

Feedback responses may be anonymous if desired, and results may be shown to all participants or restricted to teachers only. Any feedback activities on the site front page may also be completed by non-logged-in users.

Once the Feedback activity has been created and saved, and without leaving the edition mode, we will return to the main menu and access this activity. We will notice that there are five tabs within this module: description, edit the question, templates, analysis and show responses.

To create questions that impact on this feedback between teacher and students, you can either go to edit question or use templates.

This is an example of a short text answer from those available in the edit questions section.

One of the other features of this module is the ability to add question templates. We have the possibility to import our templates and store them and use them depending on our criteria.

Also, within the Analysis section, we can export our questions and the answers provided by users to an Excel sheet.

Feedback activities may be used

  • For course evaluations, helping improve the content for later participants
  • To enable participants to sign up for course modules, events etc.
  • For guest surveys of course choices, school policies etc.
  • For anti-bullying surveys in which students can report incidents anonymously

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