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Grants for cooperation actions in the field of innovation 2024

For informational purposes only, the AECID has published the application forms for actions for development and for applications for actions for knowledge. The call is not published. The application period is still unknown. The request must be made online in the AECID application, these forms are in word, they can be found in

Detalle de procedimiento - Sede electrónica AECID - sede-electronica-aecid

Internal processing at the University of Valencia

Since the University of Valencia can only submit two applications for cooperation actions and one for knowledge actions, the Vice-Rectorate for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Living will make a preliminary selection in the event of more applications.

Those interested in submitting projects to this call must send the following documentation to coop@uv.es up to 10 days before the last day for submission of applications to the AECID:

The Cooperation Unit will contact those responsible for the selected projects to give them the keys so that they can make the electronic application at the AECID headquarters.


Grants for Development Cooperation Actions

Grant Call for Development Cooperation Actions 2021

Date of publication in the Electronic Office:   14/07/2021

Closing date:                                         05/08/2021 13:00

Access to the online procedure (authentication required)

Application form for innovation actions 2021

Given that the Universitat de València can only apply for two projects, a prior assessment will be carried out.

Those interested in submitting projects should send the following documentation to coop@uv.es by Monday, 26 July 2021 inclusive:

The Cooperation Unit will contact those responsible for the selected projects to give them the passwords so that they can make the electronic application at the Electronic Office of the AECID (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation).

In order to access the electronic application, all partners must be registered as legal representatives in AECID's Electronic Office.

Extract of the most relevant information of the call:

Thematic priorities.

The call for proposals will co-finance projects that fall within the following lines of action:

· Nature-based solutions and circular economy initiatives focused on the reduction, elimination and management of waste, decontamination, soil and water conservation and efficient use of resources

· Access to health care, treatments, medicines, vaccines etc. in the fight against COVID

· Digital Education in vulnerable communities

· Combating gender-based violence and ensuring women's access to financial resources

·  Post-COVID economic recovery

· Best practices for managing migrant employment in host countries and reintegration in the country of origin

· Fight against human trafficking

· E-government strategies and initiatives


Geographical priorities

The geographical scope of each project must be limited to a single country, multi-country projects are therefore not accepted. Projects can only be implemented in one of the least developed, middle income and advanced cooperation partnership countries, as well as in Algeria, Sudan and Lebanon. https://www.aecid.es/EN/where-we-cooperate


1.- The beneficiaries of this call may be groups without legal personality formed by legal entities belonging to the following typologies:

a) Private business sector: companies, social economy enterprises, business associations and foundations and other similar ones.

b) Entities in the social sector: Non-Governmental Development Organisations (hereinafter NGDOs) registered in the NGDO Registry attached to the AECID on the date of publication of this call:

c) Academic and research organisations: universities, university foundations, research centres and other similar public and private organisations.

In order to promote networking and alliance work, the groups must be composed of at least two entities of different typology and at least one of them must belong to the private business sector.

Candidates must meet all the requirements listed in base IV of the call, among others:

All the legal representatives of the entities comprising the group must be accredited before the AECID. This procedure refers, depending on the type of organisation, to:

a. In the case of the private business sector and the academic and research sector, having approved the "registration of the legal representative" before the deadline for submitting applications.

b. The procedure of registering the legal representative shall be carried out through the citizen's folder of the AECID Electronic Office and the representation must be proven.

b) In the case of social sector organisations, they must be registered in the NGDO Registry attached to the AECID on the date of publication of this call.

In addition, they must provide all the general documentation relating to each of the entities comprising the group, which are listed in section IV.3 of the call.