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Improvement of the Quality of Life through the Sustainable Tourism Development of the Urbaite-Las Pilas Community (Ometepe-Nicaragua) within the framework of the Green Transition

  • June 1st, 2021
Image de la noticia
  Responsible   Pedro Bueno, Aurora 
  Country   Nicaragua
  Contribution   15.000 €


The 'Omepete-Nicaragua' project arose with the purpose of helping the Biometepe cooperative to design a tourism product around the protection of the endangered yellow-necked bird. The bird lives in a very specific space on Omepete Island, the Uncultivated Rock, and they study customs, migrations within the territory, and the causes of the reduction in the bird's population.



  • Create a Multifunctional Center for Environmental Interpretation, awareness and management of visitors in the Peña Inculta-Humedal Istián Wildlife Refuge located in the Urbaite-Las Pilas indigenous community.
  • Strengthen the capacities of the members of the BIOMETEPE Tourist Services Cooperative and the Administrative Committee of the Urbaite-Las Pilas indigenous community so that tourist services can be adequately offered and developed for visitors.

To achieve the proposed objectives, the following actions were carried out:

  1. Design and construction of the Multifunctional Center using local materials
  2. Design of the space and acquisition of materials for the interpretation: Exhibits, objects, exhibits with graphic media…
  3. Training for members of the cooperative and the community on topics such as: creation of tourism products, environmental interpretation, visitor management, carrying capacity, circular economy, carbon emissions, gender and tourism.



As a result of the cooperation of the cooperative with the University of Valencia, they managed to carry out the project to improve the infrastructure and equipment of the multifunction center, which has allowed the organization to provide adequate attention to visitors and, consequently, build a more competitive tourism product.

  • For the conditioning of the site, a vinyl blanket has been designed, representing the flora and fauna that can be found in the refuge.
  • A map has been designed with the routes and points of attraction within the path.
  • The island of Omepete, its municipalities, communities, and attraction sites have been mapped.
  • Audiovisual medio and inventoriable office material have been acquired to provide conditions at the time of care.

The "Eco Tours" are the result of training and training of Biometepe staff in the management of tourism products based on conservation. The conservation tourism experience with Biometepe consists of:

• Climbing Tour of Yellow-naped Parrots (Amazona Auropallita)

• Water Bird Watching Tour

• Great tour of the agroecological production farms

In addition, the possibility of knowing other places of interest outside the conservation tour is also offered, such as Ojo de Agua, the tropical jungle, natural waters, and the culture or gastronomy of Ometepe.

The conditioning of the site and the construction of the tourist product have favored the arrival of tourists to the center. The income generated with the tourist activity has been allocated to the maintenance of the center and to support the conservation of birds.

Given that Biometepe also develops its work at the level of economic and social sustainability, the tourist activity generated, as well as the conservation of the natural space, has also favored the development and coexistence of the local indigenous community. The actions and results derived from this project are part of the national project for the reduction of poverty in Nicaragua, since it contributes to the positioning and differentiation of the local tourist product, the creation of a new offer, and the improvement of infrastructure and resources. humans.

The cooperative is also dedicated to environmental education of the local population, promoting awareness and knowledge about protected birds and the threats they face. The creation of the Center has had an impact on the preservation of biological wealth and has fostered local participation, made up of both genders, which allows attention to equity and promotes the empowerment of the population. In addition, training/training has had an impact on enhancing community identity and has contributed to adding value to local natural and socio-cultural resources.

