Universitt d'Estiu de GandiaUniversitat de València Logo del portal

Innovation in journalism in an era of information disorder

This seminar opens up a space for learning and debate about the transformation and current challenges of journalism. This event brings together professionals and experts from the field to explore the current complications in the flow of information and their possible solutions, as well as the opportunities brought about by this dynamic process.

Year/Edition 2024  / 41
Start date and time 16/07/2024 09:30
Closing date and time 17/07/2024 14:00
Price 10€

Gandía International Centre of the UV (C/Tossal, 8. Gandia)

Activity type Specialization seminars
Modality Face-to-face registration

Lorena Cano Orón. Department of Language Theory and Information Sciences. Universitat de València.





9:30-10:30 Standard Model of (Mis)Information (MEDIO). Dafne Calvo, Lorena Cano, Germán Llorca

10:30-12:30 Panel discussion: Information disorder

Moderated by: Lorena Cano Orón. Department of Language Theory and Information Sciences. Universitat de València.


Dolors Palau Sampío. Department of Language Theory and Information Sciences. Universitat de València.

Guillermo López García. Department of Language Theory and Information Sciences. Universitat de València.

Eva Campos-Domínguez. Department de Journalism. University of Valladolid

12:30-14:30h Panel discussion: Educational and technological solutions

Moderated by: Dafne Calvo. Department of Language Theory and Information Sciences. Universitat de València.

Sergio Salgado. VXnet representative

Marta Portalés Oliva. Mobile World Capital representative

Pablo Hernández. Maldita representative



9:30-10:30 Changes in information consumption. Samuel Negredo. Department of Journalism. University of Navarra.

10:30-12:30 Panel discussion: New formats

Moderated by: Germán Llorca-Abad. Department of Audiovisual Communication Universitat Politècnica de València.


Jorge Vázquez. Department of Communication Sciences University of Santiago de Compostela

Ana Tudela. Datadista representative

José Carlos Sánchez. Prodigioso Volcán representative

12:30-14:30 Panel discussion: Applying AI to Journalism

Moderated by: Lorena Cano Orón. Department of Language Theory and Information Sciences. Universitat de València.

Amparo López Meri. Department of Communication Sciences Universitat Jaume I of Castellón.

Miguel Ángel Martín Pascual. RTVE Institute in Barcelona

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