Universitat d'Estiu de Gandia
Inauguració de la 38 edició

A lecture by Dr. Anna Lluch will open this 40th edition of the Gandia Summer University, an inaugural act that will be presided over by the academic and local authorities.

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This year's academic offer goes back to the beginnings of the Universitat d'Estiu de Gandia, and to that primary idea of being socially useful that arose forty years ago from the promoters of this academic proposal, a group of young people from Gandia supported by the City Council.

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Through courses, conferences and round tables, the Universitat d'Estiu de Gandia seeks to establish a space for reflection and debate with authors of recognized prestige to reflect on current affairs from different fields.

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El Jardí de la Casa de la Marquesa acollirà actuacions musicals i teatrals obertes a la ciutadania en general. La música en valencià i el teatre seran els protagonistes de la programació preparada enguany. 

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