2025-2026 UG Erasmus Study Call
Final list of accepted and not accepted application with ranking parameters
List of accepted and not accepted application with ranking parameters
List of applications submitted with accepted certificates and registration for level B1 language tests
Complete list of applications and language certificates
Information about B1 level language tests
Annex II: List of accepted language certificates
Notice Board by Universitat de València
Extension of application deadline
Submission of applications
From November 4th to 29th, 2024
Through: Portal Serveis Estudiant
Students who have lost their language certificate due to the floods will be able to submit a responsible statement attached to their application and provide the certificate once they have obtained a duplicate. You must use the form below
Responsible Statement regarding language certificate
Informative sessions XXII International Week
How to apply (video) (Valencian)
How to apply (video) (Spanish)
2024-2025 UG Erasmus Study Call
List of destinations
Scholarship award resolution (26/07/2024)
Assignment Resolution (11/03/2024)
Provisional list (27/02/2024)
On line informative sessions
Watch the informative session (25/07/2024)
Information in pdf (25/07/2024)
Watch the informative session (22/03/2024)
Information in pdf (22/03/2024)
List of accepted and not accepted applications
Definitive assignment list (24/01/2024)
Provisional assignment list (12/01/2024)
List of applications submitted with accepted certificates and registration for level B1 language tests
Information about B1 level language tests
Call rules and regulations
- Erasmus Studies Call
- Official Abstract
- Annex II: List of accepted language certificates
- Annex III: Ranking criteria
- Call schedule
Submission of applications
From Novembre 6 to 24
Informative sessions XXI International Week
2023-2024 UG Erasmus Study Call
Resolution for assignment of mobility stays
- Annex I. Assignment list sorted by last name (30/03/2023)
- Annex II. Assignment list sorted by degree (30/03/2023)
Provisional Resolution for assignment of mobility stays
- List of provisional assignment (24/02/2023)
- List of provisional assignment sorted by degree (24/02/2023)
In the event that there is a mistake regarding destination or period of mobility, the estudient have to contact his/her academic coordinator to ask for amendment.
The "Remarks" column contains various information. It can be the campus, the degree for which the agreement is signed, the faculty of destination or in a UK university the link to its language requirements.
On line informative sessions:
March 21st, 2023, 13 h (Spanish)
Erasmus Estudios de Grado 2023-2024: toda la estancia. - YouTube
March 21st, 2023, 16 h (Valencian)
Erasmus Estudis de Grau 2023-2024: tota l’estada - YouTube
Destinations must be accepted through ENTREU from March 27th on until April 28th through ENTREU, look for the procedure "Expedient Erasmus Estudis" . Acceptation is mandatory, otherwise the destination can be assigned to another student.
At the end you will get a receipt and your nomination bill. You must look for them at "My procedures" where and you'll be able to get your nominating certificate and, eventually, the language score if you took the language exams at Centre d'Idiomes
How to get the your mobility documents
Lists of accepted and not accepted applications
Resolution for the publication of accepted and not accepted application lists
Annex 1: list of accepted applications with generic ranking criteria (updated 17/01/2023).
Annex 2: list of not accepted applications (23/12/2021).
Annex 3: list of partially accepted applications (23/12/2021).
Undergraduate Erasmus+ Studies 2023-2024 Call for applications 2022 Language Test
List of applications, accepted language certificates and students that can take each language exam
Call rules and regulations
Call Resolution by the Vice Rector for Internationalization and Multilingulisim
- Annex I: Erasmus Studies Call Rules and Regulations
- Annex II: List of accepted language certificates
- Annex III: Ranking criteria
- Call schedule
- Official Abstract
Submission of applications
Fes la teua sol·licitud Erasmus Estudis de Grau curs 2023-2024 - YouTube
Informative sessions XX International Week
2022-2023 UG Erasmus Study Call
Resolution for assignment of mobility stays and grants
On line informative meetings: Tuesday, June 14th, 2022
- Due to technical problems the valencian version is not available
- https://youtu.be/sVJZ06jmYgg
About: Learning Agreement, OLA, Grant Agreement, OLS, arrival certificate, attendance certificate, transcript of records.
Resolution for assignment of mobility stays and grants
- Assignment Resolution (30/03/2022)
- Annex I. Assignment list sorted by last name (30/03/2022)
- Annex II. Assignment list sorted by degree (30/03/2022)
On line informative meetings:
- April, 8th, 10 h CET. Spanish https://youtu.be/an2NAJ-a96k
- April, 8th, 12 h CET. Valencian https://youtu.be/hb8AvPSmCcw
Provisional Resolution for assignment of mobility stays and grants
In the event that there is a mistake regarding destination or period of mobility, the estudient have to contact his/her academic coordinator to ask for amendment.
On line informative sessions:
Destinations must be accepted through ENTREU from March 28th on until April 30th. Look for "My procedures" and write down your user and password. Acceptation is mandatory, otherwise the destination can be assigned to another student.
At the end you will get a receipt and your nomination bill. You must look for them at "My procedures" where and you'll be able to get your nominating certificate and, eventually, the language score if you took the language exams at Centre d'Idiomes
How to get the your mobility documents (to be updated)
Lists of accepted and not accepted applications
Resolution for the publication of accepted and not accepted application lists
Annex 1: list of accepted applications with generic ranking criteria (23/12/2021).
Annex 2: list of not accepted applications (23/12/2021).
Annex 3: list of partially accepted applications (23/12/2021).