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Thesis supervision is subject to the rules established by the Royal Decree 99/2011, 28 January, by which formal education of doctoral studies are regulated. The UV, coordinator of the programme, has established in its Rules of Postgraduate Studies and the Rules for the Evaluation and Submission of Doctoral Theses, adapted to the mentioned Royal Decree and approved by the Governing Council on 29 November, 2011, the following: the aspects relating to the doctoral students’ supervision and monitoring, the direction of doctoral theses and the requirements for their the defence and submission. Such rules can be found at the following link:


The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme (CAPD), responsible for the assignment of tutor and thesis director to doctoral students, will ensure the existence of “good practices” in such supervision and direction. The procedure used for monitoring doctoral students shall conform to the Rules of official postgraduates studies in the Universitat de València. In this, Articles 17-18 specify:

Article 17.- Doctoral commitment document.
1. After formalising the first year enrolment, the doctoral student, the University, the tutor, and if applicable the director should jointly subscribe the doctoral commitment document, related to, among other questions, procedures of conflict solving which can be applied to aspects concerning to copyright or industrial property and in general to the monitoring functions of the research activity of the doctoral student”.

The Universitat de València has available a “Doctoral Commitment Document” approved by the Doctoral Studies Subcommittee, on 17 October, 211, in which the respective rights and duties, and the mutual obligations of the undersigned members are defined. This document is intended to ensure the achievement of the objectives defined in the programme during the preparation of the doctoral thesis, and the doctoral commitment of the signatories. In summary, this document states:
• Reciprocal commitments in establishing mutual collaboration.
• Obligations and dedication of the thesis director: regularity commitment, motivation of autonomous initiatives, original and innovative project and consistent with the research line.
• Obligations and dedication of the doctoral student: Inform the Director regularly on the progress of work and its results and commitment to follow any remarks and recommendations that may be made by the director.
• Confidentiality of data and information, that might have that nature, provided to the doctoral student and commitment to use the information for the corresponding purposes.
• Intellectual Property Regime, recognising the doctoral students’ intellectual or industrial property rights that could correspond to them in accordance with the relevant legislation.
• Conflict resolution, in which the person responsible for coordinating the Doctoral Programme shall act as mediator.
• Validity of the document: since its signature until the defence of the doctoral thesis, in anticipation of expiration causes.

Article 18, Activities document and Research Plan of the doctoral students.
1. Once the first enrolment is done, a personalised activities document will be issued for each doctoral student, where all the activities of interest for the development of the doctoral student will be recorded, as well as the development of the thesis, under the purpose of being reviewed by the thesis supervisor and director, and being assessed by the appropriate Academic Committee of the doctoral programme.
2. Before the end of the first year, doctoral students shall develop a research plan supported by the supervisor and the director. This plan must include the methodology and goals, the means and time planning as well as a favourable report from the Ethical Committee on Experimental Research of the UV, in the cases mentioned. This plan can be improved throughout their stay in the doctoral programme and must be supported by the supervisor and the director.
3. Research plans including experimentation with humans or human biological samples, animal experimentation and use of pathogenic biological agents or genetically modified organisms will be evaluated by the Ethics Committee.
4. Every year, the Academic Committee will assess the research plan and the activities document together with the reports issued by the supervisor and the director. The positive evaluation will be a requirement to be able to continue in the programme. In the event of a negative evaluation, which must be supported, the doctoral students must be assessed again within six months. In order to do so they must develop a new research plan. If there is a second negative evaluation, the doctoral student will be permanently withdrawn of the programme. Against these resolutions, which do not exhaust the administrative procedures, the applicant may lodge an appeal, which will be determined upon a report from the Postgraduates Studies Committee by the Principal or by his/her delegate.
5. For the enrolment of successive years a favourable report by the Academic Committee on the personal activities document and the research plan is necessary.
6. These documents should be registered in the Management Unit for doctoral studies at the Postgraduate Centre.

The CAPD in History of Art (UVEG – UJI) annually assesses the compliance of the Research plan and activities document of the doctoral student during the academic year. Doctoral students will have to provide, on the one hand, the accreditation that proves their compliance, such as attendance certificates to seminars or conferences, etc.; and, on the other hand, the report of their Thesis supervisors and directors on the development of the academic year. In this case, the CAPD assesses not only the doctoral student, but also the supervision of the Thesis.

The CAPD in History of Art (UVEG – UJI) promotes, to the extent of the doctoral students’ possibilities, measures leading to the mobility of students and lecturers, as well as the internationalisation of research work through suggestions in co-directions, proposing members of courts, carrying out stays in other research centres, international mentions, etc.