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SEMINAR(i): Giant Viruses and Tiny Hosts: An Entangled Evolutionary History

  • May 11th, 2018
Yves Desdevises

Next Thursday 7 June 12:00 am at Seminar room ICBiBE - SS6 (lower-ground floor, institutes building), Dr. Yves Desdevises (Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer, Sorbonne Université, France) will give a Seminar on "Giant Viruses and Tiny Hosts: An Entangled Evolutionary History"

SEMINAR(i): Giant Viruses and Tiny Hosts: An Entangled Evolutionary History

WHO?: Dr. Yves Desdevises (Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer, Sorbonne Université, France)

WHAT?: Giant viruses and their coevolutionary interactions with microalgae.

WHEN?: Thursday 07/06/2018 – 12:00 am                      

WHERE?: Seminar room ICBiBE - SS6 (Institutes building floor -1)


Prasinoviruses are double-stranded DNA viruses that parasitize microalgae throughout the world oceans, mainly in the genera Ostreococcus, Bathycoccus and Micromonas. In recent years, we sequenced several complete genomes for prasinoviruses and their hosts to study their diversity, evolution, and coevolutionary interactions. We tested experimentally the host specificity of numerous virus strains and used these data, along with phylogenies, to investigate the cophylogenetic patterns in this system. Genomic data were used to uncover some instances of lateral gene transfer in the virus genomes, some originating from the host. Finally, we studied the determinants of burst size across the Phycodnaviridae, that contain Prasinovirus, using a comparative approach, and found surprising results. All these data depict a complex and mosaic evolutionary history between giant viruses and their tiny hosts.
