Biodiversity and evolution of cnidarians |
The research which is being developed is carried out both from a classical approach, using traditional taxonomy, such as using modern molecular techniques.
The collections of Antarctic hydrozoa, especially from Spanish campaigns, are obtained through participation in oceanographic campaigns on board the oceanographic research ship 'Hesperides'.
For the study of the collections both optical instruments as one that has the ICBiBE are used in the same line of research. For molecular studies has the means available to the Evolutionary Genetics group of the ICBiBE. |
Plant biodiversity and ecophysiology |
- Photobionts lichen insulation. Axenic cultures of symbiotic algae
- Modulated fluorescence of chlorophyll, kinetics (fluorometer, actinic light)
- Enzymatic ratings and lipid peroxidation
- Photosynthesis performance. Xanthophyll pigments cycle analysis
- Determination of ascorbate. Antioxidant enzymes
- Mono-and two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins, Western blot, "Northern blot", isozyme patterns and related techniques
- Centrifuge of tubes or plates.
- Microscopy and ultrastructures (MO, epifluorescence, TEM, and SCM LTSM, confocal), fluorochrome, staining and inclusions, antibodies.
- Algae and microorganisms incubation chambers. Refrigerated culture ovens
- Laminar flow chambers and autokeys
- Spectrophotometers. Spectrofluorometers
- Chromatography: TLC. HPLC, CZE
- Fumigation systems with pollutant gases (ozone, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides)
- OTCs (Open Top Chambers)
- Exhaust Hoods
- Chamber at 4 °C and freezers at -20 ° C to -80 ° C.
Plant biodiversity and evolution |
Biology of plant conservation |
Evolutionary biology of plants |
- SCSIE: Sequencing and electron microscopy.
- techiques:
- Analysis of molecular markers.
- Controlled pollination techniques.
- Image analysis techniques.
- Study techniques aerovagante pollen.
- Criomicrotomía.
Theoretical biology |
- We use Theories, as a fundamental part of our research, integrating data, ideas and formalisms, where speculation and imagination have their own operations space
- We search Exploring, by analyzing experimental data with mathematical and statistical tools. We Examine Trends, both static and dynamic, using several mathematical modeling techniques
- We Merge information, along different biological scales, from molecular to animal behavior
- We cross Disciplines, because we believe that reality will become more evident when all available views will be used for its study.
Biotechnology and y sinthetic biology |
Insect rearing at the Institut Cavanilles facilities.
Molecular biology techniques (PCR, centrifugation, electrophoresis, cloning and ligation, DNA extraction from complex samples, metagenomics, etc). Microbial cultures. Development of bioreactors under thermal insulation; genetic characterization and enzymatic analysis of microorganisms with potential biotechnological applications. |
Evolutive ecology |
- Sampling techniques of planktonic populations
- Sampling Techniques of sediments
- Cultivation techniques of planktonic organisms in the laboratory
- Demographic techniques
- Analysis of genetic markers
- Modelling and simulation
- Ethological observation techniques of zooplankton organisms
Integrative ecology |
- Techniques for water analysis
- Sampling techniques of plankton and benthos.
- Cultivation techniques of planktonic organisms.
- Experimental use of microcosms.
- Charophyte culture techniques.
- Techniques of stable isotopes using.
- Fluorescence microscopy.
- Clark electrode equipment (measurements of respiration and photosynthesis).
- Automated particle counter.
- Flow cytometry.
- Large climatic chamber.
Entomology and control of plagues |
Ehtology |
- Equipped and prepared animal facility for the maintenance of reptiles in terrariums.
- Observation chamber (4 x 1.7 x 2 m) with a one-path glass front panel to observe the behavior of the animal without being observed by them. The camera has control of temperature, humidity and lighting.
- Filming equipment consisting of two analog video cameras (Panasonic WV-F15HS/AG-7450 and JVC TK- 1070) and an analog video recorder (Panasonic AG- 7330) with a time resolution of 50 f/s.
- Film equipment consisting of a semi-professional digital camcorder (Canon XL1) and a digital video recorder (Panasonic AG- DV2500) with a temporal resolution of 25 f/s.
- USB2000 spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics) prepared for measurement of reflectance, transmittance and irradiance.
- Photographic equipment adapted for taking pictures in the UV (analog and digital).
- Stereoscopic microscope equipped with camera lucida and photo adapter (Wild M3Z).
- Software performance records and image analysis.
- Thermal Imager (Fluke Ti25)
Evolutionary Genetics |
Limnology |
- Water analysis techniques (chromatography -HPLC and GC-, AA and molecular spectrometry, ICP-MS, microbiological analysis, etc).
- Sampling techniques of planktonic populations.
- Cultivation techniques of planktonic organisms in the laboratory.
- Fluorescence microscopy techniques and electronics.
- In situ measurements of metabolism in aquatic ecosystems.
- Flow cytometry.
Comparative neurobiology |
- Microtome (Vibratome, Cryostat, ultramicrotome, paraffin microtome, freezing microtome).
- Complete unit of crops with laminar flow hoods, CO2 incubators and ultracentrifuges.
- Microscopes (Nikon 2 heads, inverted microscope, brightfield and fluorescence photomicroscopes)
- Stereotactic surgery Unit
Palaeontology |
Terrestrial vertebrates |
- Radiotelemetry.
- Inventories, surveys and assessment of terrestrial vertebrate populations.
- Extraction and analysis of biological samples.
- Environmental Monitoring Programmes and Indicators Studies.
Marine Zoology |
The Marine Zoology Unit can provide a wide range of advisory services, risk assessment and quality control, both in private and public entities, in the biology of marine conservation areas, protected areas, detection of parasites in species for human consumption, process of fish catches based on the parasitology analysis and parasite control in aquaculture. |