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Eric Puche: prize for the best oral presentation

  • June 26th, 2019
Eric Puche

Eric Puche wins the prize for the best oral presentation in the category of Experimental Ecology at the 6th edition of the meeting "Fresh blood for freshwater"

Last April was held in Tihany (Hungary) the 6th edition of the meeting "Fresh blood for freshwater", aimed at early-career researchers in the field of freshwater aquatic ecosystems. In this meeting, Eric Puche, a PhD student from the Integrative Ecology group at the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, won the prize for the best presentation in the category of Experimental Ecology.

In his contribution to the meeting, the PhD student presented a part of the research he is doing for his thesis, referring to the study of complex ecological networks in freshwater aquatic ecosystems influenced by the charophytes (macroalgae that inhabit this type of systems). The novelty of his work lies in studying this type of networks from a point of view in which multiple interactions between the different organisms that comprise them are considered.

Dr. Jeremy J. Piggott, a recognized researcher in applied ecology and an assistant professor at Trinity College, Dublin, was in charge of evaluating and awarding the prize. This prize consists of the invitation to publish the work in a prestigious journal in the field of aquatic ecology such as Freshwater Biology, with a review by the associate editor of this journal.