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Bright-field microscope

Bright-field microscope
Brand: LEICA DM 2500 LED
Type: Equipment

The bright-field microscope allows us to view stained or naturally pigmented samples that are highly contrasted. The source of illumination is white light. The components of the sample are visualised thanks to the differences in contrast between them and the surrounding medium.


It is an upright microscope and is therefore used for samples mounted on slides. It has 5 objectives: 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x and 100x, the latter being an oil objective.

A digital camera has been incorporated to provide live images of very high definition and capture resolution. It provides full colour still images for all microscopic applications.

Practical implementation
  • In histology it is used for the observation of thin histological sections.
  • In immunology it is used for the observation of flocculation and agglutination reactions.
  • In haematology it is used for the analysis of blood smears, counting of red blood cells, leucocytes...
  • Also in sciences such as geology for the study of minerals and rocks.
Terms of use

This equipment can be used by users after appropriate training by technicians.

  • Priego Villanueva, Sonia
  • PAS-Ets Investigacio
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  • Ibañez Gonzalez, Antonio Jose
  • PAS-Ets Investigacio
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