Special International programmes: PRONABEC


The Universitat de València and the Peru Education Ministry have signed an Interinstitutional Cooperation Agreement in order to promote the access of Peruvian students through PRONABEC program to certain postgraduate studies with the aim of enhancing the number of professionals in Peru with an appropriate training.
Those candidates wishing to apply for any of the postgraduate studies offered by the Universitat de València within this framework agreement must obtain an acceptance letter issued by the Universitat de València after fulfilling the admission requirements to the specific postgraduate course.
Master's Degree in Advanced Optometry and Vision Sciences
Master's Degree in Advanced Physics
Master's Degree in Advanced Sciences of Modern Telecommunications
Master's Degree in Aquaculture
Master's Degree in Basic and Applied Neurosciences
Master's Degree in Biodiversity: Conservation and Evolution
Master's Degree in Bioinformatics
Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering
Master's Degree in Biomedical Research
Master's Degree in Biostatistics
Master's Degree in Biotechnology of Assisted Human Reproduction
Master’s Degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Special Education Needs of Teaching Support
Master's Degree in Criminology and Security
Master's Degree in Dental Sciences
Master's Degree in Development Aid
Master's Degree in Developments in Research and Treatment in Psychopathology and Health
Master's Degree in Drug Dependence: Research, Treatment and Drug Pathologies
Master's Degree in Electrochemistry, Science and Technology
Master's Degree in Electronic Engineering
Master's Degree in Environmental and Territorial Management Techniques
Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering
Master's Degree in Environmental Pollution, Toxicology and Health
Master's Degree in Experimental and Industrial Organic Chemistry
Master's Degree in Experimental Techniques in Chemistry
Master's Degree in Food Quality and Safety
Master's Degree in Integrative Evolutionary Biology
Master's Degree in Management and Promotion of Local Development
Master's Degree in Mathematical Research
Master's Degree in Medical Physics
Master's Degree in Molecular Approaches in Health Sciences
Master's Degree in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Master's Degree in Oncology Nursing
Master's Degree in Physiology
Master's Degree in Physiotherapy in the Aging Process: Social and Health Care Strategies
Master's Degree in Public and Administrative Law
Master's Degree in Remote Sensing
Master's Degree in Research in and Rational Use of Medicines
Master's Degree in Research in Molecular, Cellular and Genetic Biology
Master’s Degree in Services and Web Applications Engineering
Master's Degree in Social Economics (Cooperatives and Non-Profit Organisations)
Master's Degree in Special Education
Master's Degree in Speech Theraphy Intervention Specialisation
Master's Degree in Sustainable Chemistry
Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering
Master's Degree in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
Master's Degree in Tourism Management and Planning
Master's Degree in Tropical Parasitic Diseases
Master's Degree in Water Resources Management