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The Desertification Research Centre in interviews conCiencia: we know the work of Diego Intrigliolo, CSIC research scientist at CIDE

  • July 10th, 2023
Image de la noticia

CSIC's Casa de la Ciencia is conducting a series of interviews with research, technical and contract staff from different calls for proposals who work at CSIC centers in the Valencian Community with the aim of making their work known.

At the Desertification Research Centre, a joint center of CSIC, Universitat of València and Generalitat Valenciana, 72 people work, including researchers, scholarship holders, pre- and post-doctoral fellows, laboratory and field technicians, administrative and service staff, as well as students and researchers from all over the world who visit us to collaborate or learn techniques.

In this interview Diego Intrigliolo, CSIC research scientist at CIDE, gives voice to the work of this team.

Here are the links to the interviews: 

CIDE Communication