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Members of CIDE have recently been interviewed by the Valencian public radio-television station "à Punt"

  • May 23rd, 2018
Entrevista Samaruc

The members of CIDE, Marta Goberna, Ester Carbó and Patricio García-Fayos have recently been interviewed by the Valencian public radio-television station "à Punt".

Marta Goberna has participated in a report about "L'ecologia del bosc i l'ecologia del foc" that will be broadcasted in the Medi Ambient program, within the new path of the Valencian Television that begins next June. In it, Dr. Marta Goberna, hired Ramón y Cajal in the CIDE, explains her research in the framework of the research project "Fire and ecosystem services" of which she is a responsible researcher. The project tries to show the changes induced by the repeated forest fires on the structure of the communities of microorganisms that live in the soil and the consequences that this has on the properties of the soil in which microorganisms intervene and that are of vital importance for the rest of the system, as it is its structure, its fertility and the stability against changes. It is a research project of Scientific Excellence for Junior Researchers, funded by the Generalitat Valenciana. At the same time, an interview was conducted on this topic that was broadcast on January 22, 2018 on the radio program "Samaruc digital". The podcast can be heard at:

Ester Carbó and Patricio García-Fayos were interviewed on a radio program of "Samaruc digital" dedicated to "Analitzem l'evolució dels sòls de València" and aired on May 21, 2018. In it, Dr. Ester Carbó, Edaphology professor at the University of Valencia and CIDE researcher, spoke about the types of soils that can be found in the Valencian Community, how degradation is affecting them and how it contributes to Desertification. Dr. Patricio García-Fayos, CIDE researcher, explained the concept of Desertification, how it is produced, how it is affecting Valencians and what can be done to alleviate it. The podcast can be heard at the address: