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Drawing of a woman's torso
Supernova i companyia

Dance at La Nau

'Supernova i companyia'

Performed by Grup de Dansa de la UV 1er nivell

Choreographed and directed by Toni Aparisi Sevilla.

450 years ago, some shepherds from Torrent, used to working at night and observing the celestial vault, were surprised to see ‘a celestial intruder’, a new star in the constellation Cassiopeia, and alerted the full university professor of Hebrew, Mathematics and Astronomy of the General Study, Jerónimo Muñoz, of its presence.

This fact and celebration will be the starting point of our show. On the occasion of the discovery of the supernova, we will recreate celestial figures and artistically explore the own universe of each person.

Theatre tickets can be booked in advance at La Tenda de la Universitat in La Nau and on the campuses, or on the website ( Each ticket will cost €2,10


ScheduleFrom 31 may 2023 to 1 june 2023. Wednesday and thursday at 19:00 to 20:30.


Sala Matilde Salvador. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Aula d'Arts Escèniques UV.

