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Introducing the research project Eco2Support to students of the Master’s Degree in Spatial Planning and Environmental Management of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

  • December 3rd, 2018
visita alumnos

Students of the Master’s degree in Spatial Planning and Environmental Management Program of the Universitat de Barcelona, have visited the Albufera Natural Park of Valencia.

Students of the Master’s degree in Spatial Planning and Environmental Management Program of the Universitat de Barcelona, along with their professor Amparo Cortés and Dr. Julián Campo, researcher of the Eco2Support research project at the Desertification Research Centre (CIDE), have visited the Albufera Natural Park of Valencia.

As a part of their program, the students have had the opportunity to visit the Eco2Support research area where they have been introduced to the different pressures in this area. Dr Campo also have explained some Eco2Support results related to the presence of emerging pollutants, the levels and spatial distribution of twelve heavy metals and two metalloids in the soils and waters of the L'Albufera Natural Park, and how the salinity parameters of the water influence the behavior and distribution of most of the metals studied.

The activity has been developed successfully and as a research center, we appreciate the interest of the students.

You can find all the information at:
