The Department of Art History of the University of Valencia has a recognised teaching experience in its field of knowledge, and offers their own doctoral programme since 1986. Meanwhile, the Universitat Jaume I has an area of History of Art since 1991, it is currently registered in the Department of History, Geography and Art. The experience in postgraduate studies of the UV and joint UV-UJI has been positively evaluated several times by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA),the body that supervises the education in Spain, which once distinguished the doctoral programme "Art, landscape and visual culture" with a Quality Award (Resolution by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, 2008). Afterwards, these Doctoral Studies became the university Master’s Degree in “History of Art and Visual Culture” (collaborating UV – UJI), currently in force, with the Quality Award and a qualification of Excellent by the Evaluation and Foresight Valencian Agency (AVAP). The doctoral programme in History of Art (UV-UJI) got the Excellence Award for the academic years 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 (Resolution from the Ministry of Education).