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The doctoral programme addresses to researchers, specialist professionals or future professors training in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice:

  • The obtained training will allow to carry out scientific researches related to human rights, democracy and international justice from the perspective of the different knowledge areas of the master’s degree and  doctoral programme: Legal Philosophy, International Law, Constitutional law, Criminal law, labour law, Derecho procesal, History of Law.


When completing the studies corresponding to the training period and to the research period, the students should:

  • Prove a systematic understanding of the human rights, the theories of democracy and international justice and the proficiency of the skills and methods of research related to this field of knowledge.
  • Conceive, design or create, implement and adapt a substantial process of research or creation with academic seriousness.
  • Contribute through an original research which will extend the frontiers of knowledge of Human Rights, developing a substantial body which deserves the referenced publication at national or international level.
  • Carry out a critical analysis, assessment and synthesis of new and complex ideas in the field of human rights.
  • Communicate with their peers, with the academic community in general and to society about the studied topics.
  • Promote, in academic and professional contexts, the technological, social and culture advances within a knowledge-based society and on the respect for: a) fundamental rights, and gender equality rights, b) equality of opportunities and universal accessibility principles of people with disabilities and c) the specific values of a culture of peace and of democratic values.
  • Have analytical ability to offer strategic advice to public and private organisations in human rights, democracy and international justice.
  • Have the ability to assess the impact of decisions, stragegies and policies of the public and private organisations to guarantee the human rights and the democracy. Have self-critical ability and the ability to use and apply ICT in the field of study, as well as to manage quickly and with precision a complex and varied whole of data and documentary sources.