Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Validation tests for foreign degrees

Registration period:

  • Registration: From May 8 to June 14, 2017

Registration form: download

Location: Faculty of Economics Administration Office


  • Original and copy of the Resolution of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • Original and copy of DNI (Spanish identification card), NIE (identification number for foreigners) or Passport.

Date of the test: June 30, 2017

Location: Classroom 5P19 Facultat d'Economia

CoordinatorsList of Coordinators

Test results foreign titles homologation:

  • Test results foreign titles homologation:

The results of the homologation of the foreign titles will be published in the bulletin board of the Deanery, placed opposite the Wardenship of the Faculty of Economics.