Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Opening times

Opening Hours

As stated in paragraph 4.3 of Management Instruction IUV 1/2022, in the attention to the public with a large influx of people, and in order to maintain the basic preventive measures, the system of prior appointment is maintained to limit the simultaneous attendance of people.

Opening hours:

Mornings: Monday to Friday, 9 to 14 hours
Afternoons: Tuesday and Thursday, 16 to 18 hours.
From 1 June to 30 September, attention only in the morning

According to the provisions of Law 39/2015, of 1 October of the Common Administrative Procedure of the public administrations, no administrative procedure can be carried out without valid, official and updated identification of the person concerned.

Opening and closing hours of the Faculty

From Monday to Friday: Opening: 08:00 a.m. - Closing: 10:00 p.m.

Fallas: From March 15 to 20 Closed
Holy Week and Easter: From March 28 to April 8 Closed
August: From August 3 to 25 Closed
Christmas: December 24 and 25 and Decembre 31 to January 6, 2025 Closed




Contact details

Facultat d'Economia
Campus dels Tarongers

Avda. Tarongers, s/n
46022 Valencia (SPAIN)

Telephone: 963828549
E-mail: fac.economia@uv.es
Student suport (TiquetingUV)

Extensió Facultat d'Economia
Campus Ontinyent

Grupo Ramón Llin s/n
46870 Ontinyent (València)

Telephone: 962917530
E-mail: ontinyent@uv.es