Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

The Facultat d’Economia offers you several communication channels:









WhatsAppwe offer the members of the university community a one-way distribution system of information about topics of interest for both users and Faculty personnel.

  1. How does it work?  
    Click here and a chat will open. Send ALTA + your name and surname + your profile (whether you are a student/PDI/ or Alumni…). E.g: ALTA + Mar López Pérez + ESTUDIANTE. You will immediately access the Faculty’s Whatsapp messaging service.     
  2. Why should you specify your profile?
    Because we will send you the information that may interest you the most, depending on your relationship with the Faculty.
  3. May I request information in the chat
    NO, this is a one-way channel and no messages or calls will be answered. However, you can always drop us a line at secretariafde@uv.es or comunicacion.fde@uv.es 😊
  4. How many messages will I receive?
    The information will be condensed in a maximum of 2 messages per week, with the most relevant items of interest.
  5. How can I unsuscribe? 
    To unsuscribe from the service, send the word BAJA and we will manage it.
  6. Is my privacy protected?
    As a Whatsapp user, you should note that your data will be used and stored by  WhatsApp Inc. You may check Whatsapp’s privacy terms and conditions. As for the Universitat de València, and more specifically the Facultat d’Economia, you have available all the information about our privacy policy.