Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal


The Faculty of Economics of tje Universitat de València (UV) is the university centre in charge of organising the academic, administrative and management procedures, and also of teaching the subjects that lead the students to obtain the titles own of each subject.

The Faculty of Economics understands the commitment with quality as one of the main objectives in its function as a university public service organisation, and considers such commitment as a key strategical aspect. To this end, and within the competences and attributions, which are recognised by the current Statutes of the UV, the Faculty of Economics will take as many actions as necessary to secure the maximum efficiency in the management and the excellence of its teaching activity. In this regard, the centre is committed to use all the technical, economic and human resources available; always in strict compliance of the applicable legal requirements, both at autonomic and state and European level.

The interest groups (delimited in our Quality Manual) are the reason why we do all what we do, and we are committed to achieve their satisfaction through a personalised and continuous attention. To do this, the Faculty of Economics has created and implemented the Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) based in the directives and parameters stablished by the UV and the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA).

The purpose of the SGIC is to jointly, systematically and efficiently manage the quality guarantee of all the training programmes of the Faculty of Economics. Consequentially, the basic objective of the implementation of the SGIC is to responsibly guarantee the quality of all the degrees (Degree, Master’s Degree and Doctoral Studies). When necessary we will review and improve their training programmes and their academic, administrative and management procedures, which have to be based in the needs and expectations of their groups of interest. These groups of interests will always be informed by the Faculty of Economics.