Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia. This entrance through the virtual door is an invitation to know the academic, research, administrative and sociocultural activities that take place in our buildings on the Campus dels Tarongers in the city of Valencia, and on the Campus of Ontinyent, the doors of all of them remain open to the university community around the world, to society in general and to the Comunitat Valenciana in particular.

My name is Francisco Muñoz Murgui, I am Associate Professor in the Department of Financial and Actuarial Economics and I have had the privilege of being elected dean to face, in the company of an exceptional team, the new challenges that the immediate future of our Faculty brings us.

Throughout more than 50 years of its history, the Facultat d’Economia of the Universitat de València has established itself as the largest public university center in the Comunitat Valenciana in the economics and business studies, achieving prestige and recognition of confirmed quality, year after year, by the leadership positions it occupies in the main national and international rankings.

In recent years the Faculty has implemented a Double Degree in Tourism and Business Administration, and a Degree in Business Intelligence and Analytics (BIA). And, in the 2021-2022 academic year, we continue to expand the study offer with a Double Degree in Law and Economics, which we hope will have the same acceptance and recognition that the prestigious Double Degree in Business Administration and Law already enjoys.

Also, in these years, the Facultat d’Economia has become a benchmark in terms of internationalization, both within the University of Valencia and internationally. Practically, we are European leaders in the mobility of Erasmus students, incoming and outgoing, increasing the number and geographical diversity of world destinations (number of countries and universities). Our students can choose between 13 possible international double degrees.

Unfortunately, as of this writing, we are still suffering the painful health, economic and social effects of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 and which, since March 2020, has been altering our lives both academically and personally. The Faculty responded, and continues to respond, to this serious situation with an intense work of the all staff and within the framework of a close collaboration between the deanery and the departments, the other faculties of the Campus and, of course, with the Rectorate. It has invested in prevention measures and in technological and training resources aimed at achieving quality online teaching, while making every effort to have spaces with optimal security and habitability conditions, in which to develop the face-to-face teaching as a defining and valuable element of public university education.

The teaching experience lived during these almost two pandemic courses, and the disruptive and unstoppable digital transformation that permeates all activity sectors, have made more visible, if possible, the need to seek new ways of transmitting the content and skills of our subjects to a student body who has changed their way of learning and communicating. The so-called millennials (born in the 1980s to the early 2000s), more independent and unafraid of change, are followed by post-millennials born after 2001, digital natives with access to and management of new technologies from earlier ages. These people, also known as Generation Z, have to receive a message of confidence soon and clearly, that they will not be the pagans of this enormous and supervening crisis and that a better and more sustainable world is within their reach.

In this environment, complex and uncertain, but also challenging and exciting, my team and I accept the fascinating challenge of managing a higher education center committed to the universal values ​​of scientific, academic and research training, counting on the invaluable collaboration, trust and complicity of the all staff, and promoting values ​​such as honesty, integrity, responsibility, equality and solidarity.

We want to project and make available to Valencian society our capacity to generate training and research results, of recognized quality and manifest interest, increasing collaboration with companies, institutions and professional associations. The organization of activities such as the Forum of Occupation and Entrepreneurship, the Forum of Tourism, conferences, seminars or the Club of Mentors in the postgraduate area, are fundamental tools to benefit the labour insertion, the entrepreneurship and the professional career of our graduates.

We are convinced that all the people who work in the Facultat d’Economia do so, each one from their different responsibilities, with the illusion of contributing to the constant improvement of our Faculty, with a deep sense of belonging and with the commitment to responsible transparent and inclusive way. Dedication and shared individual effort are the basis for collective and institutional success.

Therefore, kind reader, if you have read this far, I know that we can count on you and I encourage you to continue visiting this website and to send us your proposals, new ideas and reflections, with this common objective of improving our Faculty.

Paco Muñoz
April, 2021