Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of PhysicsExperimenta Fire Logo del portal

The Faculty of Physics of the Universitat de València calls the ninth edition of the Concurs “Experimenta” 2014, which aims to turn middle and secondary school students (ESO, batxiller and middle-level training programme) in active and creative protagonists of Science.

The competition starts with the registration of works before 4 February 2014  extended until 14 February and that finishes with a fair open to the public that takes place at the Passeig Sud of the Museu de les Ciències on 30 March 2014. This activity is linked to a partial attendance, addressed to go deeper in the training on experimental aspects related with the competition. On 20 June takes place an exhibition of the awarded projects in the Fira-Concurs.

More information on the initiatives:

Very important: To answer any question contact with: carol.gil@uv.es (of the dept. of activities organisation of ADEIT University-Business Foundation).

This year there is available a small quantity by way of travel grants for groups that have to come from outside the province of Valencia. This grant can be applied for, reasoning the need, through the way that will be specified in due time.