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Preparation and Conclusion

Preparation of the session

Professors who participate in the sessions with their students must come to an initial meeting in order to settle the calendar and review the practices to be developed by their students. In the Physics Classroom, the homogeneity of the assembly allows the teachers from the centres to detailed know the content of the practices carried out by their students. Hence, they will be more efficient when helping their students in the working sessions.

On the other hand, it is also very important for teachers to prepare with the students all basic terms related to the practice, using some of the physics class hours to prepare the session.

Conclusion of the Session

The elaboration of the conclusions and critical comments on the results and theoretical models adopted to explain the data are key aspects of scientific method which are given a great importance: back in high school, they will comment on the conclusion and the students’ work will be assessed and included in their final mark.

On behalf of evaluating experience, we have prepared a survey to be sent by the professors when it is filled by the students at the end of the project.