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What is the Aula-Laboratorio Experimenta?

Let's go to the Aula Experimenta of Physics with your students. 

The Aula Experimenta of Physics is a laboratory for practical sessions for students in the 10 to 12th secondary school levels, with a capacity of 16 students and material to carry out five different experiments thought specifically for these education levels, as well as experimental demonstrations and physics related toys. From 2002 to 2024, around 900 high school groups and 11400 people have attended (aprox. 650 students per academic year in the last years). Download the PDF document with all the information that also appears in the following links:

Responsible of Aula Experimenta: Chantal Ferrer Roca – Dept. of Applied Physics
Mechanics Coordinator: Chantal Ferrer Roca – Dept. of Applied Physics
Optics Coordinator: Juan Carlos Barreiro – Department of Optics

This initiative started on 2011 with the so called “interchanges programme”, designed by the Lifelong Learning Service (SFP) so that the batxiller students in the faculties. In this case, the batxiller students attended to the laboratories of Mechanics and Optics of the Faculty and carried out practices with scripts adapted to their training. In 2006-2007, with the help of the Delegation for University Integration, the Aula Experimenta was created, which allowed for improving these practical sessions, paying more attention to the needs of the students that take part in them and widening the number of groups that participate. The sessions require a prior preparation, they are supervised by professors of the Faculty and by the secondary centres themselves.