Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of PhysicsExperimenta Fire Logo del portal

The XIII Fair-Contest "Experimenta" 2018, organized by the Physics Faculty of the University of Valencia, aims at turning secondary education students, young women and men, into active and creative agents and disseminators of science. GET MORE INFORMATION and register. An unforgettable day, and many awards, including the public prize, are awaiting you. 

REGISTRATION: until February 4 included
CELEBRATION: April 22, 2018 at the Principe Felipe Science Museum in Valencia (morning)

wwwuv.es/experimenta    facebook & twitter: @FiraExperimenta             e:  experimenta@uv.es 

Organization: Faculty of Physics of the University of València.
Organizing Committee: Chantal Ferrer Roca (coordinació), Miguel V. Andrés, Jordi Vidal, and Amparo Pons.
Collaboration: Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT-MINECO), Prince Felipe Museum of Science, Valencia City Council, IFIC-Excellence S. Ochoa, Royal Spanish Society of Physics, scientific culture & innovation chair for scientific dissemination, Delegation for University integration, Sanchis Guarner Center for Education and Quality (UV), Equality Unit, Specialized Group for Physics Teaching (RSEF), APTCV and other external entities.