Universitat de ValènciaHealth and Safety and the Environment Service Logo del portal

In the event of fire

  • Promptly report of the fire stituation to the caretaker’s office to notify it to the emergency crews and firefighters.
  • Stay calm, do not run or scream. Do not use lifts.
  • If the your clothes catch on fire, drop and roll.
  • If there is a lot of smoke, crawl on your hands and knees and breathe through a damp cloth.
  • Close the door when leaving the area. Do not take anything and never go back.
  • If exits are blocked, stay in the area and put wet clothes in the doors’ grooves.
  • Try to be seen through the window.

Prevention measures

  • Order and cleanliness in workplaces.
  • Extraction and ventilation in areas with explosive atmospheres.
  • Order in storehouses with dangerous products and substances.
  • Avoid the contact of combustible products with any possible ignition source (paper, boxes, etc.)
  • Avoid the accumulation of waste, boxes, papers, etc.
  • Cigarette's ends must be completely extinguished before throwing them to the waste bin.
  • Keep properly the detection and extinction agents and indicate them correctly.
  • Know and use correctly portable fire extinguishers.
  • Keep free of obstacles the evacuation areas and routes.
  • Follow the action guidelines established in the event of emergency such as sirens, signalling, evacuation routes, outdoors meeting points, etc.

Portable fire extinguishers


Using a non-suitable fire extinguisher for the type of fire that must be extinguished, may aggravate the fire.

Steps to follow when using a portable fire extinguisher

  • Verify that the fire extinguisher is appropriate for the type of fire to be extinguished.
  • Take the fire extinguisher down.
  • Verify that the fire extinguisher is in good condition.
  • Unseal the fire extinguisher.
  • Test it pointing to the floor.
  • Get close to the fire with the wind behind you.
  • Use the fire extinguisher in zig-zag in the base of the flames.
  • Discharge completely the fire extinguisher.
  • Leave while facing the fire.
  • Verify the efficiency of the fire extinguisher.
  • Make sure that it will be charged again.

Types of Fire:Type A

  • Fire by solid combustibles that produce embers when burning, such as wood, paper, coal, fabrics, etc.                                   Type A
  • Fire by liquid or melted solid combustibles, such as petrol, fuel, oils, fats, asphalt, etc.                                                              Type B
  • Fire by gaseous combustibles, as for example, acetylene, propane gas, butane, etc.                                                                 Type C
  • Fire by metal combustibles, such as sodium, potassium, pulverised aluminium, magnesium, titanium, zirconium, town gas, etc.Type D

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