Universitat de ValènciaHealth and Safety and the Environment Service Logo del portal


  • July 19th, 2023
Image de la noticia

Where work is carried out in outdoor areas and in workplaces which cannot be enclosed, appropriate measures must be taken for the protection of workers.

Where work is carried out outdoors and in workplaces which, because of the activity carried out, cannot be enclosed, adequate measures must be taken for the protection of workers against any risk related to adverse weather conditions, including extreme temperatures.

The measures referred to in the previous section shall be derived from the assessment of occupational risks, which shall take into consideration, in addition to the phenomena mentioned, the characteristics of the task to be carried out and the personal characteristics or known biological state of the worker, and the preventive measures may include the prohibition of carrying out certain tasks during the hours of the day when adverse meteorological phenomena are present.

Please note that in view of heat waves, the above-mentioned provisions must be observed for outdoor work.

Information on temperature forecasts:

Sistema de vigilància de temperatures extremes a la Comunitat Valenciana

Agencia Estatal de Meteorología