Appropriate measures must be taken to protect workers when work is performed outdoors and in places that cannot be covered.
Where work is carried out in the open air and in workplaces which, because of the nature of the work, cannot be enclosed, appropriate measures must be taken to protect workers against all risks related to adverse weather conditions, including extreme temperatures and the effects of the sun.
These measures shall be determined by an occupational risk assessment, taking into account not only the abovementioned aspects, but also the nature of the work to be performed and the personal characteristics or known biological state of the worker. Preventative measures may include the prohibition of certain tasks during the hours of the day when adverse meteorological phenomena are present.
We would like to inform you that, in view of the exposure to the sun during certain types of work and the existence of heat waves, it is necessary to adopt the above provisions for outdoor work.
The following documents provide information to help you prevent the harmful effects of the sun and heat waves.
- Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (INSST) (National Institute for Work Safety and Health - INSST):
- Conselleria de Sanitat GVA (Valencian Department for Health GVA):
- UMIVALE ACTIVA: Campaign to prevent heatstroke
- Institut Valencià de Seguretat i Salut en el Treball (INVASSAT) (Valencian Institute for Work Safety and Health - INVASSAT):
- Information on temperature prediction: