Universitat de ValènciaResearch Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life Logo del portal

Mediating role of job satisfaction, affective well-being, and health in the relationship between indoor environment and absenteeism: work patterns matter! - Soriano et al.

  • April 13th, 2018

Nos complace anunciar que se ha aceptado para su publicación en WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation el siguiente artículo:

Soriano, A., Kozusznik, M., Peiró, J.M. & Mateo, C. Mediating role of job satisfaction, affective well-being, and health in the relationship between indoor environment and absenteeism: work patterns matter! WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation.


Background: Office workers spend long hours in their workplace, and these environments impact their well-being and performance. This relationship can involve different mediation chains. The degree of complexity of this relationship can vary depending on different types of office work (work patterns) employees carry out. Objective: To analyze the relationship between indoor environment and absenteeism, and the mediating role of job satisfaction, affective well-being, and health, in different work patterns. Method: 1306 office workers from different European countries were classified into work patterns depending on: task complexity and interactivity. Results: Job satisfaction, affective well-being, and health mediate the relationship between indoor environment and absenteeism. However, differences in the mediation paths were found for different work patterns. The paths through which indoor environment can affect absenteeism increased as the work patterns increased in complexity and interactivity. Conclusion: Work patterns play a role in the relationship between indoor environment, health, well-being, and absenteeism. This study highlights the mechanisms through which an improved indoor environment can protect employees’ well-being, and decrease absenteeism in different work patterns. It also points out workers especially at risk of a detrimental impact of poor indoor environment and it suggests ways to prevent them. Keywords: Indoor environment, Health, Well-being and Absenteeism

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