Universitat de ValènciaResearch Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life Logo del portal

WOP-P educational innovation day at the University of Valencia

  • May 15th, 2024
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On May 14th, from 10:00 AM to 14:00 PM, the faculty of the Master In Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology participated in the educational innovation day . One of the goals of this event was to share information about the innovation projects related to WOP-P that have been developed in previous courses (2022-2023, 2023-24) or that have been proposed for the next course (2024-25).

10:00 -11:30 Welcome and Update on the WOP Master's Program. Feedback from Students of the 2023-24 Course (Areas for Improvement, Suggestions, Coordination)

11:30-12:30 - Preparation of Guides and Syllabi for the 2024-25 Course

12:30-13:50 - Presentation of Educational Innovation Projects. Proposals for Coordination and Development of Educational Innovation in WOP-P The following projects were presented

  • Esther Gracia Development of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in the University Context WOP-P: An Experiential Approach
  • Esther Villajos/Aida Soriano : The Use of ChatGPT as a Means and Not an End in the University Setting
  • Ana Hernández/Inés Tomás: Universalizing Access to Research in Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P): Statistical Analysis Using Free Software
  • Pilar González: Enhancing Talent and Employability Through Educational Inclusion Using the GCL+ Method and ICT and "Negotiation Strategies in the Digital Age: Adapting the GCL+ Method"
  • Carolina Moliner: Advanced WOP-P: Global Competencies and Cross-Functional Digitalization
  • Inmaculada Silla/Núria Tordera : Actions to Promote Internationalization at Home (IaH) through Organizational Psychology Courses
  • Laura Lorente (Course 2024-25): Development of Digital Competencies for the Teaching-Learning Process: Use of Artificial Intelligence for University Teachers and Students
  • Virginia Orengo / Fernando Pons Metodología experiencial para la formación integrada e interdisciplinar del profesional en la dirección y gestión de los RR.HH.