Universitat de ValènciaResearch Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life Logo del portal





The purpose of this contract (carried out through the OTRI) is the execution by the University Institute for Research in Psychology of Human Resources, Organizational Development and Quality of Work Life of the UV of the development of the study "Collaboration in the Analysis and Evaluation of the II Plan for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (2015-2018, for BCSC and at its request.



The purpose of CAJAMAR's organizational intervention is to establish the value of equality in the organizational culture of the company (2016-2018), in order to promote a series of measures that contribute to equality between men and women in the whole of the entity's human resources policies, as well as in its daily functioning as a whole, and that contribute to reducing and eliminating the different aspects that act as organizational and cultural barriers that reduce the contribution and remuneration of women within the organization, which produces the "glass ceiling" effect and hinders full equality.

To contribute to this result, within the framework of the collaboration project with the University of Valencia, the following evaluation objectives are proposed:

-Dimension the scope of the problem, evaluating by means of questionnaires the perceptions about the presence of barriers that hinder equality (mobility, networking, presence of mentoring, training, conciliation HR practices) and their influence on the opportunities for promoting the women.

-Evaluate perceptions over time to analyze their stability vs. analysis of the change due to the implementation of the different actions of the equality plan.

-Review and advance in the delimitation of the indicators of sustainable well-being of the workers, such as the proposals made in the specialized bibliography and the experts in gender and equality.

-Analyze the factors that can affect the sustainable well-being of the worker (men vs. women) due to the existence or absence of policies, because they promote it or because they limit it.

-Study to what extent management and development in the implementation of equality policies can be related to some indicators of job performance (for example, participation in meetings, innovative performance, etc.).

-Identify good practices in the equality policies implemented and possible areas of opportunity.

As a result, a first report was sent to CAJAMAR, a publication was made with the descriptive results of the study, the validation of the TOP WOMAN scale (Test of Obstacles for the promotion of Women to management positions) has been carried out, and it is being prepared an article on the relationships between barriers to the advancement of women, organizational justice and various organizational outcomes (satisfaction, commitment, performance)

Principal investigators:
  • Ramos Lopez, Jose
  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
  • Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
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  • Ramos Lopez, M. Amparo
  • PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
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UV work equipment
  • Tomas Marco, Maria Ines
  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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Non-UV work equipment

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: Felisa Latorre Navarro

CAJAMAR: Gloria Collado Latorre


Start date
2016 October
End date
2022 December

  • Banco de Crédito Social Cooperativo-CAJAMAR