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The Entreiguals mentoring programme is implemented in all the centres of the University of Valencia in its two modalities, mentoring first-year students and mentoring incoming students, except in the faculty of Social Sciences, where only the modality for incoming students is activated.  

In each centre there is an Entreiguals coordinator, who is the faculty member responsible for the programme. He/she is in charge of: 

Coordinating the participation of mentors in the centre's activities linked to the incorporation of new students. 

  • Assigning tutors. 
  • Coordinating the centre's own training. 
  • Assign mentors to each mentor. 

See here for the name and contact details of the coordinators per centre:

 On the other hand, each centre appoints tutors from among the teaching staff, who are assigned a group of mentors. They are responsible for: 

  • Monitoring the actions of the mentors and verifying their work and dedication through the Virtual Secretariat (diary, attendance at meetings and actions of the centre, evaluation of their mentees, completion of questionnaires). 
  • Supervise the functioning of mentor-mentee pairings. 
  • Promote working meetings with the mentor students and attend to doubts related to specific aspects of the centre or the degree programmes. 
  • Validate the work carried out by the mentor students at the end of the programme.