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Open call for the 23rd Exhibition Public Art / Public University

  • March 11th, 2020
Art públic universitat pública

Open call for the twenty-third edition of the Exhibition Public Art / Public University. This initiative that aims to transform the university environment of the Burjassot Campus into a place of artistic intervention open to society. In order to advise anyone interested in the call, the commissioner of the Exhibition, Alba Braza, will offer an online informative session on Wednesday 1 April.

The call is aimed at visual artists, of any nationality or place of residence, without age restriction, who can participate individually or collectively with a site-specific work for the Burjassot campus that aims to establish a dialogue between art and science, as an exercise and challenge of contemporary culture.

The jury of the Exhibition will select a maximum of six projects that will receive a grant of €2,000 for carrying out their proposal. The six projects will take part on the exhibition that will open in October at the Burjassot Campus. In addition, with the photographic reproductions of the interventions on display, the Universitat will publish a catalogue.

The 23rd Exhibition is curated by Alba Braza, expert in cultural projects and artistic mediation. Alba Braza will be a member of the jury that will evaluate the projects, along with Irene Ballester, art critic and member of the Valencian Culture Council; Sergio Rubira, subhead of the IVAM (In English, Valencian Institute of Modern Art) for collections and exhibitions; and Norberto Piqueras, responsible of exhibitions of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport of the Universitat de València. 

To explain in detail and clarify the doubts of anyone interested in participating in the call, Alba Braza will hold an online information session on Wednesday 1 April, at 5 p.m., by Skype. Any doubts shall also be solved by sending an email to artpublic@uv.es.

The exhibition Public Art / Public University is organised by the Sedi (Information and Promotion Service) of the Universitat de València, in collaboration with the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport.