institutional and business chairsUniversity of València Logo del portal

The local management of municipalities, as a public function that must ensure the general interest of all its citizens, poses important challenges that require a broad knowledge of their territorial reality to support the strategic decisions that must adopt their government teams.

The City Council of Cullera has been keeping for a long time a fruitful collaboration with the University of Valencia, especially with LOCSUS research group (a research group inside the Local Development Interuniversity Institute), through the development and collaborative work in different studies and projects.

In this regard, the City Council of Cullera and the University of Valencia, in order to strength their institutional relations have promoted the "Càtedra Ciutat de Cullera". Its objectives are focused on strengthening its framework of institutional relations, especially in the areas of science, technology, research and knowledge transfer, taking as a thematic area the town of Cullera in such a way that it contributes to facilitate the optimal use of territorial resources, endogenous and exogenous, to improve the quality of life of its citizens.

Codirectors: Joan del Alcàzar Garrido and Adrián Ferrandis Martínez