institutional and business chairsUniversity of València Logo del portal

By agreement dated October 28, 2002, between the Foundation and the University of Valencia, the Chair of Valencian Autonomic Law was created, with the aim of offering students and professors of the University of Valencia a range of training activities such as congresses, seminars, conferences, lecture series, master classes, specialization courses in the field of Autonomic Law, as well as the preparation of reports and opinions on issues of relevance in the legal-political field of the Valencian Community.

The Chair is directed by the President of the Foundation, Vicente Garrido Mayol, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Valencia, as appointed by Resolution of the Rector of the University of Valencia, dated June 25, 2003.

The Chair created the book collection “Cátedra Abierta” (Open Chair), which has a total of 9 books, in which prestigious jurists have collaborated.

Likewise, a large number of Congresses, Conferences and Seminars have been held to transmit knowledge on autonomous law, fundamentally.