institutional and business chairsUniversity of València Logo del portal

  • Training activities include: training courses aimed at Valencian companies that wish to get started in the ECG and implement the Common Good Balance Sheet; UV Postgraduate courses on ECG aimed at the university community and the general public; and other training activities such as workshops, conferences and seminars on ECG. It is also proposed to develop a Teaching Innovation Project in order to implement the ECG model and its principles and values ​​in the teaching programmes of university and non-university education (Secondary School, Training Cycles and Primary Education).
  • Research activities include: research projects on ECG, business advisory contracts for companies that wish to implement ECG and studies and reports proposed by the General Direction for Economy, Entrepreneurship and Cooperativism on ECG matters.
  • Dissemination activities include: holding seminars, conferences and workshops on ECG aimed at the university community and the general public; the edition of publications (books, journals, etc.) on ECG; and the announcement of scholarships and awards aimed at university students.