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11 de febrero, día internacional de la mujer y la niña en la ciencia

  • 10 de febrer de 2022
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Seminario científico con motivo del día internacional de la mujer y la niña en la ciencia

El próximo viernes 11 de Febrero celebraremos en el ICMUV el "día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia". Nuestra compañera e investigadora Sonia Murcia abordará una primera introducción a los aspectos de igualdad de género en investigación, para después pasar a celebrar un seminario científico con la invitación de la investigadora Carmina G. Almudéver, donde analizará algunos de los desafíos de la computación cuántica con la charla titulada "Full-stack Quantum Computing Systems in the NISQ Era". Finalmente celebraremos un pequeño almuerzo en la cafetería para cerrar la actividad y la semana.
- Date: 11th February, between 12:30 - 14:00.
- Place: Salón de Actos del Edificio de Cabecera del Parque Científico de la Universitat de València. (https://goo.gl/maps/NPjMGekYwakw2775A )
- Speakers: Carmen G. Almudéver (IUMPA-UPV) & Sonia Murcia Mascaros (ICMUV).
- Title of the scientific seminar: "Full-stack Quantum Computing Systems in the NISQ Era"
- Short Bio:
Carmen G. Almudever holds a P.hD. in Electronic Engineering from the Technical University of Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech), Spain. In 2012, she received a fellowship from Intel (Doctoral Student Honor Program).  In February 2021, she joined the Computer Engineering department of the Technical University of Valencia (UPV, Spain) as a distinguished researcher under the Beatriz Galindo program for attracting talented researchers. Before, from 2014 to beginning 2021, she was an Assistant Professor at the Quantum and Computer Engineering Department and group leader of the Quantum Computing division of QuTech at Delft University of Technology, where she worked on the definition and implementation of a scalable quantum computer architecture. She has been one of the PI’s of 10-year Intel-QuTech collaboration on quantum computing. Her research focuses on different aspects of the quantum computing full-stack including quantum programming languages and compilers, quantum error correc!
tion, fault-tolerant quantum computation, mapping of quantum algorithms and benchmarking and sclalability of quantum computers.
- International day of Women and Girls in Science: