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The aim of this project is to obtain new all-fiber light sources based on the photonic crystal fiber (PCF) technology. We will focus on fiber lasers operating on continuous wave, Q-switched or mode-locked regime, and their combination with highly non-linear PCF for supercontinuum generation in all-fiber systems.
The Optical fibers and Signal Processing Group results from several years of collaboration between researchers of the University of Valencia belonging to the Instituto de Ciencia de los Materiales and the Optics Department.
RTP and PECVD system. Generalitat Valenciana - Univ. Valencia (43,500 + 70,000€)
Photonic and plasmonic devices: Nanomaterials contribution, simulation devices and micro-optical spectroscopy. Ministry of Education (244,900€).
Absorbant nanocomposites for solar/thermal conversion (Continuation of IMCITA/2007/2). PCEV-IMPIVA (Cooperation I+D Projects), Generalitat Valenciana (66,000€).
De les produccions de pisa medieval valenciana, la que ha sigut menys estudiada malgrat ser la més nombrosa, és la decorada en blau. Els alfares medievals valencians de Manises i Paterna, entre uns altres, van produir una ingent quantitat de pisa decorada en blau, un producte utilitari de difusió massiva la producció de la qual s'estén fins a temps moderns.