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PhD Students Coffee Time: Noemi Colinas

  • 26 de maig de 2022
Noemi Colinas

El próximo jueves 26/05/2022 a las 15:00h en la Sala Reuniones SS6 (Edificio de Cabecera, Semisótano), Noemi Colinas (Ecologia Evolutiva) nos hablará sobre el tema: “Transgenerational gene expression in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis in relation to environmental predictability”.

She says:

Non-genetic transgenerational effects on the ability to respond to sex induction have been demonstrated in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis as related to environmental predictability. Clones from more predictable environments do not respond to sex-inducing cues during a number of generations after leaving diapause. This effect is hypothesized to prevent the untimely induction of sex while there are chances to fully exploit the planktonic growing season. The molecular basis of this mechanism is still unknown. We studied the expression level of genes related to (1) sexual reproduction in rotifers and (2) epigenetic signaling mechanism in successive generations from diapausing eggs in clones of B. plicatilis populations inhabiting ponds with different levels of environmental predictability. To complete this study, I joined the Molecular Ecology Group (CNR-IRSA) in Verbania (Italy), where I learned RT-qPCR and analyzed the expression level of these genes.

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