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UP-Access, the eDelivery project approved by European Commission

  • 1 de març de 2018
Image de la noticia

Up-Access has been succesfully approved under the CEF-TC-eDelivery 2017-2-call.

UP-Access it´s a project coordinated by the Universitat de València, aimed on the implementation of electronic document exchange technologies. It has been successfully approved under the CEF-TC-eDelivery 2017-2 call.

The project’s objective is to apply the AS4 protocol and upgrade the Service of Metadata Publishers (SMP) of the 4 PEPPOL AS2 Access Points of the consortium partners: Invinet (Spain)Babelway (Belgium)Datajust (Netherlands) and Credemtel (Italy). These Access Points are used by thousands of clients from different Member States.

The resulting Infraestructure from the project will be subject to an evaluation to ensure that the technical requirements specified by the eIDAS Regulation are met. As a result, cross-border exchange of thousands of electronic documents will be enabled.

Project official website: http://worldofinnovation.eu/up-access ‎