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The telephone number 639215636 will answer calls concerning violence against children and parents

The Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovations launches its project VÍNCULO, an educational counselling project in situations of child to parent violence. People interested can phone 639215636 (Mondays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) or send an e-mail to

The VÍNCULO project aims to be a free public resource offered by the Instituto Universitario de Creatividad e Innovaciones Educativas (IUCIE) of the Universidad de Valencia. Experience reminds us that prevention or intervention at early stages of deviant behaviour is more effective than treatment after the fact. And the VÍNCULO project is a resource that argues for maintaining this premise: prevention plays an indisputable role in preventing the proliferation of child to parent violence(VFP). For this purpose, university educational research makes available to society a new project to respond to the social demand of one of today's emerging problems: the prevention of child-parental violence. The main objective is to offer educational guidance to all parents who experience physical or verbal violence from their teenage children on a recurrent basis.

Therefore, VÍNCULO will welcome all those parents who feel that their skills are insufficient to manage conflicts with their children or whose resources have been overwhelmed by the circumstances surrounding their relationship. The specialised assistance offered will focus on educational counselling  aimed at the prevention of conflicts leading to the deterioration of the relationship between parents and children, as well as the proposal of new strategies to redirect violent acts within the family. Thus,  it excludesany kind of therapy or clinical psychological treatment of users (both parents and children).

The extensive professional experience in the field of VFP of Dr. Vicente Garrido Genovés, professor of recognised prestige and director of this project, will guide the achievement of the proposed objective. Working with their research team, made up of professionals trained in the field, they are committed to offering a service designed to help parents face the challenge of coexistence presented by their children.

This service will be carried out at the IUCIE facilities, Beatriu Civera building, 4th floor, 2nd office, located at C/ Serpis nº29 (Valencia). The opening hours for parents will be, at first, as follows: Tuesdays from 10:00 to 13:00h and Thursdays from 17:00 to 20:00h. Appointments can be made by calling the institutional contact telephone number 639215636 (which will take calls on Monday and Thursday mornings from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) or, preferably, by e-mail

The requirements to be respected by all families applying for this service are the following:

  1. The absence of any legal proceedings initiated as a result of a complaint by VFP.
  2.  The absence of an open procedure by the social services for their treatment.
  3.  Minors must be between 11 and 17 years of age.
  4. They are not already being treated by specialists (psychologists or psychiatrists).

Finally, it is our goal that the counselling or educational guidance provided to families experiencing VFP will enable parents to approach this problem from a conscious and educated perspective, and to develop the attitudes and skills necessary to deal with the problem at hand.